Lots of individuals who begin using their first hosting account, or switch companies, frequently have questions in regard to how given operations are performed or come across problems when setting up various things like emails, website settings, and so on. This is why, lots of web hosts have prepared documentation with the most standard questions and issues so as to help their clients receive info swiftly and seamlessly. Consequently, the tech support team can dedicate more time to real problems that particular customers may be facing, as the solution for the smaller things will already be available on the Internet and customers can cope with them without contacting the support staff. Having exhaustive documentation is extremely important, particularly for new users without any practical experience whatsoever, since the web hosting service entails a huge number of functions and many people can get baffled about what action to take. A good knowledge base can both help you carry out the tasks that you need and get to know how the web hosting service functions in general.
Extensive Online Documentation in Web Hosting
Our web hosting packages come with a comprehensive knowledge base where you can find information about all the issues that you might face and their solutions. You can discover how to create and manage an electronic mailing list, how to use an .htaccess config file, or how to proceed in case the settings of your email client are correct, but nonetheless you are unable to send email messages, for example. We have tried our utmost to be as thorough as possible and to cover all possible options so as to save you time and energy and to supply you with different solutions for every problem. The knowledge base contains educational articles as well – both generic ones about the web hosting service as a whole, and more specific ones, which will help you become familiar with the features and functions of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can find articles that are dedicated to specific features and functions in each section of the Control Panel, whilst if you prefer to browse through the full collection of articles, you should go to the all-encompassing Help section.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated servers come bundled with an elaborate online article library where you can find any information that you may require about our web hosting services or about the Hepsia Control Panel that we use. We have prepared it based on the feedback that we’ve collected from our customers throughout the years and, hence, our articles address particular problems that you might encounter and suggest the fastest means of solving them, for instance receiving a 500 Internal Server Error message or not being able to send e-mails from your PC although you have the correct settings. The articles are available in each and every section of the Control Panel and you can check them at any given time. They can help you widen your knowledge not only about our platform, but also about the hosting service in general, as they offer elaborate guidelines and general information such as what cron jobs or file access permissions are.