You can use different FTP accounts to manage your web content in case you have several Internet sites in the exact same website hosting account. You can give different people access only to specific folders, for instance – web developers or IT experts from the company, and be sure that they won’t be able to connect to any other files or anything else in the website hosting account, since the FTP accounts have limited access. Moreover, you can set up and administer a number of different websites simultaneously using a website building application like FrontPage or Dreamweaver (since these applications make use of FTP to make a connection to the server) and upload your site files both when you create them and when you update them. An important part of doing these things is the ability to create and manage your FTP accounts swiftly and easily.
FTP Manager in Web Hosting
If you open a web hosting account with us, you’ll be granted access to the amazingly powerful FTP Manager, that is an essential part of our custom-built Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. The tool offers several different options, aside from the ability to create or remove FTP accounts. You will be able to see the access path for each account and by clicking it, you can alter it so that the account will access a separate folder. Auto-config files are available for download too, so you will not have to configure anything manually – you can simply download the particular file for Core FTP, CyberDuck or FileZilla and run it on your personal computer. To make the administration easier, the FTP Manager will allow you to see all the FTP accounts that you have set up in alphabetical order, based on either the access path or the username.
FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated server configurations are managed from the simple-to-work-with, custom-developed Hepsia Control Panel. One of its sections – the FTP Manager, is dedicated to managing your FTP accounts and everything associated with them, so you will be able to manage all the accounts quickly and effortlessly. It will take one mouse click to set up a new FTP account, to remove an active one or simply to edit its password. You can also view the complete list of all your FTP accounts in this Control Panel section and, for convenience’s sake, you can arrange them in alphabetical order – descending or ascending, either by username or by their access path. Changing the path for a particular account is also extremely easy – you will just have to click on it and select the new directory in the pop-up window that will appear, so you won’t need to create a brand new FTP account in case you simply wish to specify what files an existing one can access. You can also take advantage of auto-configuration files for commonly used FTP programs like FileZilla and Core FTP.