Each active domain name is registered on the name of a person and throughout the registration procedure a lot of details are introduced - the owner’s names, address, email, cell phone number, and so on. These details in addition to the registrar company name and the registration/expiration dates is referred to as WHOIS of the domain and in compliance with the policies of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) it should be current and accurate. If a domain address has wrong WHOIS details, it could be reported and if the details aren't fixed, the Internet domain may be erased or the registrar company could take over its ownership. By default, the WHOIS details are public and could be seen on many lookup sites, or for a small number of country-code extensions - on the sites of the respective Registry businesses. All companies which provide registration services are obliged to provide an uncomplicated way for their customers to access and change the WHOIS information of any domain address they own as much as the specific TLD allows it.
Full WHOIS Management in Web Hosting
Handling the WHOIS details of any domain name registered through our company is quite simple using our Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The tool is included with every Linux web hosting package and offers a section committed to your Internet domain names where all registrations will be listed in alphabetical order. You are able to click on any Internet domain to view its current WHOIS information and with just a couple of mouse clicks more you could update any part of it. Hepsia will even enable you to change multiple domain names simultaneously and you'll be able to modify any detail which the respective top-level Registry allows to be changed. For some country-code TLDs, automatic updates of the owner names aren't possible via the CP, so you can contact us 24/7 and we will assist you with the process. There aren't any restrictions of any sort regarding the WHOIS updates of generic TLDs.
Full WHOIS Management in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you have a semi-dedicated server plan with our company, you're going to be able to view and update the WHOIS details of any domain name registered here using the same Hepsia CP used to control the hosting space, so you will not need to log in and out of different systems. By simply clicking a given Internet domain, you'll see its current details and all it will take to edit any of them will be to input the new details and save the modifications. You can even choose a few domain addresses and edit their WHOIS information all at once, so even though you may update 10 or 15 domain names, it won't take you more time than to update one. Since some country-code extensions support updates, yet not automatic ones via the Control Panel, you can contact us and we'll help you with the process up until the necessary change takes effect.