If you ever face a problem with your site and are incapable of coping with it, ask the respective hosting provider’s support team to help you bring the website back online. A quick resolution would be the most favorable scenario, but many hosting companies reply within twenty four hours or even more, especially if you are doing business with a hosting reseller. Even if the problem can be resolved quickly, your site may not work correctly or may not be accessible at all for a lengthy stretch of time, so you may lose potential clients because it is very unlikely that anybody will be eager to return to an inoperational site. With that being said, you ought to make certain not only that you can reach your hosting provider, but also that they can answer and assist you in a timely manner. If a web application update does not proceed smoothly or you delete something unintendedly, for example, the site should be fixed speedily in order to avoid lengthened unreachability.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Web Hosting
If you are using any of our Linux web hosting packages and you have an enquiry or stumble upon a certain obstacle, you can touch base with us 24/7/365 by opening a tech support ticket or by writing an e-mail and we’ll make sure that you have a response in less than sixty minutes. In case the issue can be resolved, we’ll do it before we reply, whilst if there is something that you need to do on your end, we’ll give you all the required details – what workable solutions to try out, what settings to check, and so on. Typically, you will obtain a reply within no more than thirty minutes, which suggests that waiting around for hours and hours on end or even for more than a day to receive support is something out of the question. Our 1-hour reply guarantee applies to any enquiry that you may have – general, technical or billing.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With a semi-dedicated server account from us, you can take full advantage of our super-fast support service. You will get a reply to any trouble ticket posted via the web hosting Control Panel or e-mail sent to our technical and client support team within the hour. The response time is guaranteed and it applies irrespective of the issue – billing or technical. It often takes much less time to investigate and eliminate a problem. We will supply you with more information if the solution entails something that needs to be done on your end. In case you contact us during official holidays or weekends, the response time will be absolutely the same and since our support team is working 24x7, you’ll obtain timely help for practically any technical, billing or general issue regardless of the hour at which you contact us.