If you get a web hosting account for your websites, you may discover that it doesn't fulfill some requirements which your script-driven applications have, or if your Internet sites are not doing very well, you could decide that you will no longer want to run them, so you can end up having an account that you won't really use. In this case, it will be good if you can close the account and receive your money back because you won't be able to use this service for one reason or another. Some companies give refunds - full or prorated, and others do not, so before you obtain your new account, it's good to check not only if the service will meet your preferences and requirements, but also what refund policy the service provider has about possible refunds.
30-day MBG in Web Hosting
Our web hosting plans feature a 30-day money-back policy, so in case you don't wish to employ your new account anymore for any reason, you can request a full refund within the first month. We have a well-trained technical support team that will be available 24/7 in case you experience any problems or have any questions and a very intuitive web hosting Control Panel which will enable you to control your domains, Internet sites and e-mail addresses without difficulty. Still we acknowledge the fact that you might not want to continue using your account, so we could issue a full refund during the first thirty days even if you have used the service intensely meanwhile. Your refund will be issued in a few minutes after we receive your request.